May is Mental Health Month! All kids deserve kind, safe, welcoming places to grow.

Transforming children’s mental health care

How can we help you?

May is Mental Health Month

In the last 3 months our waitlist has jumped 30%.

While surging demand strains our capacity, we know every single child we reach makes a difference. That’s the impact you can make this Mental Health Month. Give today and help us connect those who are waiting for mental health care with Washburn Center

Compassionate mental health care
wherever you and your child are.

We are 100% focused on children ― at every stage.
We help with whatever life serves up. Working with families across a continuum of mental health care to meet a child at any point in their life.

Why are they acting that way?

It’s hard to watch a child struggle and a challenge to understand in the heat of a moment. You hold the best insight to your child. Their behavior is communication. Take the first step and take the first step toward healing.

You’re not alone.

As a community-based mental health care agency, Washburn Center is positioned to meet families and children where they are – and advocate for comprehensive mental health care in Twin Cities communities.

You help a family hear: “Yes, we can help.”

Generous donors make this mission thrive.

Our mission is unique – and how the work gets funded is equally unique.

Stalled reimbursement rates only cover approximately 60% of the cost of serving children and families. Help us meet the skyrocketing need.

A mission that changes lives.

Kids are resilient. They come into this world wired to adapt and grow — yet sometimes life creates setbacks. When these setbacks add up, it can interrupt or delay development and affect their lifelong mental health. See how our team has sprung into action for kids and their families.

Bill Pay and Financial Help

At Washburn Center, you have options for paying your bill.