You can be a safety net for the kids and families in our community.

Healing finds Carlos at home

Before starting therapy at Washburn Center, the days felt turbulent and empty for Carlos.

“La vida no se sentía muy bien. Fue solitario. Fue triste. Mi terapeuta de Washburn me enseñó mucho y sonrío mucho más. Estoy haciendo amigos en la escuela. Las cosas son más fáciles ahora”.

– Carlos, cliente de 11 años

“Life didn’t feel very good. It was lonely. It was sad. My Washburn therapist taught me so much, and I’m smiling a lot more. I’m making friends at school. Things are easier now.”

– Carlos, 11-year-old client

When families turn to Washburn Center, they share their most treasured relationships, feelings; pain, despair and hopes. The support of donors makes it possible for our team to sustain community-based work – meeting families where they live, learn and play.

Carlos’ parents gained skills that helped them understand how to better support his emotions

When therapy helped the adults in Carlos’ life better understand his needs, his world got more stable; he learned new skills to help him handle his emotions. Those around him noticed the 11-year-old rediscover playfulness and joy to life. The days are easier to take on knowing that relationships are repaired. He knows there are other times that he will need the skills and memories that therapy taught him. Life is falling into place.

“Comparto nuestra historia para que otras familias no duden en recurrir a estos valiosos servicios.”

– Ana, la madre de Carlos

“We share our story in the hopes that others will have access to these valuable therapy services”

– Ana, Carlos’ mother

In telling their story, Carlos and his mom Val hope that more families will learn that relationships can grow stronger. Steep increases and ever-growing mental health pressure continue to threaten children’s lives and futures – you can be part of the wave of support that is helping families like Carlos’ regain hope.