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Washburn Community Forums

Practical learning designed for those with children and teens in their lives.

Pioneered trainings led by mental health leader, Washburn Center for Children.

Washburn Community Forums are unique and innovative trainings crafted to help parents and professionals. This series boldy explores topics that specifically address today’s youth and the mental health crisis that has grown in our community.

Community Forums are created and presented by Washburn Center, bringing the agency’s
cutting-edge practices and expertise to live for community learning.

Sign up for Community Forums - Just Sam: A Black man’s journey to healing
Friday, March 7, Sam Simmons is stepping into space with us for an in-depth facilitated conversation about his journey, insights and his recently published book "Just Sam: A Black man’s journey to healing". Our time with Sam will be held in the Training Institute, 1100 Glenwood Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55405, from 10 a.m. until noon and include a book signing for those interested.
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