What is Washburn Center for Children?
Washburn Center for Children delivers transformative mental health care to children and families in the greater Twin Cities. We have a diverse continuum of care and treat children from ages 0-18. There are no barriers for those who receive our care. We meet clients where they are: at home, in school, on playgrounds and in clinic. Our 175 therapists supported 4,269 clients last year through our early childhood, intensive in-home and crisis programs, school-based and outpatient therapeutic programs. Our Case Management program connects families with the resources needed to support their lives. Learn more at washburn.org

Why does childrens’ mental health matter to our community?
Washburn Center for Children delivers transformative mental health care to children and families in the greater Twin Cities. We have a diverse continuum of care and treat children from ages 0-18. There are no barriers for those who receive our care. We meet clients where they are: at home, in school, on playgrounds and in clinic. Our 175 therapists supported 4,269 clients last year through our early childhood, intensive in-home and crisis programs, school-based and outpatient therapeutic programs. Our Case Management program connects families with the resources needed to support their lives. Learn more at washburn.org

What is Dawn of Hope?
Dawn of Hope is our inaugural breakfast fundraiser hosted to connect you to the promise and innovative mission of Washburn Center for Children. Community-based work calls us together to share inspiring work and healing experienced by the kids and families we support. Your experience at Dawn of Hope will reveal:
– hope that flows through our programs
– resilience and confidence of our clients
– intrepid leadership and staff who make this mission thrive
– community impact through our supporters and partnerships.

Who is invited to Dawn of Hope?
This event is for anyone who is invested in the future of children in our community. Those joining will learn about Washburn Center for Children and how to help grow the much-needed resources for those we serve. We are eager to host friends, prospects, donors, businesses, community leaders and partners to move and inspire investment in the future of this generation.

How can I support the event?
Sponsorship opportunities are available and can be found at: washburn.org/DawnSponsor
An alternative to sponsorship is to join as a Table Captain. Table Captains are instrumental in helping reach our goal because you activate your network to unite for Washburn Center’s mission. You can purchase a table for $1,000 and have nine seats to share with your guests. If you cannot attend the event but want to sponsor a Table Captain, you will have ten available seats. All Table Captains will receive a toolkit to help prepare them for the event. You can also purchase half of a table for $500 (five seats).

How do I RSVP? How can my guests RSVP?
Please visit washburn.org/DawnRSVP to save your seats. You can RSVP for your guests or send them the link to complete for themselves.
A section on the RSVP allows guests to indicate with whom they would like to be seated. We will do our best to seat you with your guests at the event. You can also use the form to inform us of any food allergies or dietary restrictions.

Can I make a donation ahead of the event?
Yes! Please visit washburn.org/donate to make a gift that will immediately go into action for kids and families seeking mental health care. To find more ways to get involved with Washburn Center’s mission, visit washburn.org/make-an-impact.

What communication should I expect in the future?
Email communications will be sent out leading up to the event, providing sneak peeks of the program, event details and insight on the impact your giving makes. Keep an eye on your inbox for these updates and for more ways to impact the lives of kids.