Welcome! You are making an impact by joining us today.
You can make that impact go even further. It’s proven that equitable access to mental health care improves outcomes. These are life-changing services. When you make a donation of any amount, you help Washburn Center to do more: more kids getting care from more therapists in more community spaces.
Welcome from Craig Warren
CEO, Washburn Center for Children
Your presence today plays a pivotal role in healing children across the Twin Cities as they grapple with an unparalleled mental health crisis. The demand for our services has soared to unprecedented levels and continued to surge in the first half of this year without signs of abating.
We’re growing our mission to reach more kids and families precisely when and where they need us. I invite you to learn more about this mission and consider amplifying your game today with a donation while you are playing alongside other champions for children’s mental health.
There are multiple ways to give today in this program, on the course or at the reception to further the work that our team does in serving more than 4,000 kids each year and building brighter futures.
This life changing work is rooted in your support and generosity.
When families connect to quality mental health care through Washburn Center, the results are transformational. Whether you are a long-time supporter or learning about us for the first time – we are glad you are here.
We can’t do this work without you.
Message from the Golf Classic Co-Chairs
PK Kriha & Prince Jibunor
It’s a great joy to welcome you to the 2024 Washburn Center Golf Classic.
We are grateful for you showing up today — all in support of children’s mental health. Our presence, commitment and support are critical to this mission.
Our community’s kids are actively living in trauma, through trauma and with the effects of trauma. It is affecting their learning and education. It is affecting our health care system and judicial systems. It will have lasting impacts on our society and economy.
It takes a generous community to ensure that the team at Washburn Center has the funding and resources to navigate this children’s mental health crisis. We make it possible for more children and families to get care.
The long-term impact of this mental health crisis calls us to action as business and community leaders. Today’s youth are at risk of not being ready to step into life beyond childhood unless they get mental health support when and where they need it.
We invite you to consider what’s next in your commitment to Washburn Center for Children and the outreach to more than 4,000 kids in our community. Join us today in boosting your support.
Bring innovative healing into homes
We know with confidence and our track record that earlier intervention, integrated and comprehensive mental health care can transform lives – even for the greatest degree of severity.
Our mission is stronger with you. When we have the support we need, healing happens and life-changing treatment opens up a world of hope and potential for kids.
Your contribution will help us connect those who are waiting for mental health care with a Washburn Center service that meets them and their family where they live, learn and play.