Lead the way to calmer times
A calm and regulated adult is modeling a healthy response — here are some resources to help you and your child.

Resources beyond Washburn Center’s community
Ideas can come from so many corners; here are others that our team has gathered over time.
- Water soothes the soul
- Hallmark’s hot air balloon
- Shoes off grounding move
- Your nose knows
- Bubbles and breathing
Sitting by the water and listening to nature can give a soothing moment or three.
(Turn down your volume- it beeps loudly at first.)
This Hallmark video takes you airborne with quiet music as you soar through the air. Use the arrows in the top left corner to look up/down or left/right.
If you are feeling stressed out, anxious or sad… focus on your feet and how they feel on the ground. You can try this outside or inside
Think about how a lemon smells…or cookies just out of the oven or freshly mowed grass. How does it make you feel? Certain scents can help us feel calm or happy. Give it a try with some items that you have at home!
Blowing bubbles or blowing on a pinwheel can help us to slow down our breathing and our heart rate so that our bodies feel more calm. Download this FREE app for a virtual pinwheel. Then, blow on your cellphone and watch it spin!